Okay so.. this is my soundtrack's blog. It looks kind of simple though. But I think this is just fine. It doesn't need to be glamorous or gorgeous :D. LOL. Okay.. so you just got into my blog. READ IT! LISTEN TO IT! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! C:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

#Song 23: Who's laughing now - Jessie J

- I was wondering around on Youtube and suddenly, a friend of mine, Pearl, sent me this video clip. I've found it so interesting and I've also found out that it got a big connection to me. It doesn't seem to be similar to the video but it is similar to the lyrics of the song. I seriously don't understand. Why am I keep thinking about the person that I hate and that person was a dull girl? She was hurting my friends by saying some irritating sayings that it brought them a big shock. How could she do that to my friends? And that person I hate was used to be my best friend. I used to count on her so much that I couldn't open my eyes and see the real face of her. A real fake face of that dull girl. I wasn't meant to hurt her but look what she did to my friends! Did she even think about what she did? Does she even have a mind to think? I guess she does but she doesn't know how to use it because every single person knows how to use their minds to figure the positive options. But to her, I think that she was just trying to using me for some dull and stupid stuffs that I should have known at the beginning. I shouldn't have played with her but I was so dumped to play with the girl that doesn't even have a responsibility about friendship or something related to it. But just a saying to that girl, "Hey, nice trick at the beginning of the start. But guess what? I'm not that dumped to figure out by myself that I shouldn't have played with a friend like you who always tries to hurt people without thinking! You know what did I feel about what you said to my friends? I felt so stupid because I couldn't believe in my own eyes that you're a person like that. But guess what? We're done now and I've been brighter to understand the tricks that you used to hurt us." At first, I was planning that maybe that me and my friends could give that girl another chance because she would be better if she deserves a second chance. However, thinking back and forth, those ideas were so unacceptable because she hurt us like a thousand knives stabbing into our heart and why should we give her a chance? Would that help us recover our heart or just making it worse? I would give that girl back everything that she gave to me to recover my friends' hearts. I felt so bad of making a friend with her because I didn't learn anything from her and everyday, she was always making us following what she said. That girl were used to be laughing at us like we are some weirdos. But guess what? "Who's laughing now?"


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