Okay so.. this is my soundtrack's blog. It looks kind of simple though. But I think this is just fine. It doesn't need to be glamorous or gorgeous :D. LOL. Okay.. so you just got into my blog. READ IT! LISTEN TO IT! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! C:

Friday, March 9, 2012

#Song 10: You'll be in my heart - Phil Collins

- I chose this song because I want to show the love of me to people who I love and I gently miss when I'm gone. They are all of my trusts and they are all I wanted. I love my parents as big as this song because they were the one who raised me up and took care of me. They are the closest people who I need to survive. Besides, I have my friends to share my happiness to and they are the only one that I can get some helpful advices for. We need each other to breathe and we need each other to survive on this planet. I wouldn't going to be survive if I don't have them in my heart. People who treated me nice and they shared loves, friendships with me, those people are the people who shone my world. :) My heart will always have them inside because I feel warm when I have them supporting me whenever I am. =3 "You'll be in my heart.No matter what they say. You'll be here in my heart, always" 


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