Okay so.. this is my soundtrack's blog. It looks kind of simple though. But I think this is just fine. It doesn't need to be glamorous or gorgeous :D. LOL. Okay.. so you just got into my blog. READ IT! LISTEN TO IT! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! C:

Monday, March 19, 2012

#Song 19: Perfect - J-Co

- I chose this song because I think that love always contains mistakes. A girl or a boy could easily get jealous when they see their love with someone else which is depending on what gender they are, they would easily getting mad. Some of them might think of revenge by dating another guy/girl which is unacceptable. What if that person who was talking to their love is some of his/her relatives? What if that is their best friend? Love can't guess and love will get easily misunderstanding. Being in love isn't as easy as you think it is. It might begin today but maybe it would end tomorrow. It's the faith and we can't change the faith that God upon the sky had planned. We have to follow what God makes us to do. This song showed how people who are in love being misunderstanding with each other. But at last, they found out that they were wrong about their love because their love was the one who completed the heart that had frozen in many years. They are the one that you can count on the most and also, no-one going to love you more than they do because they understand and forgive the person that you really are. In the song, the lyrics mention a line that said, "Have you ever lost someone? Tryna take it back but the damage is done", I think that it means if you have make that mistake and it hurts that person too bad, you won't going to get back the deeply true memories that you and your love had been together. Just one hardly touch can hurt them painfully which is also could break your heart apart like it used to be. A friend of mine was hurting my friends and myself and at last, she lost everything. All of the sweetest memories that she'd been with us when we were still best friends. She hurt us like a thousand times of stabbing a knife into our hearts. She made a mistake, a big one and she should have been painful about it, but I think that she deserved it because that was what she get from hurting friends like us.


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