Okay so.. this is my soundtrack's blog. It looks kind of simple though. But I think this is just fine. It doesn't need to be glamorous or gorgeous :D. LOL. Okay.. so you just got into my blog. READ IT! LISTEN TO IT! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! C:

Friday, March 9, 2012

#Song 1: The lazy song - Bruno Mars

- I chose this song because I am obviously a very lazy girl. While I was enjoying my weekend, I just stayed on my bed, sleeping and what else? Nothing. Totally nothing. Sometimes, I read books, thick ones but then, I slept from noon til' 7.00 p.m then I woke up. For somebody, they might think that I'm a very hard-working girl but guess what? They are quite right but not totally because I am lazy. I'm not lazy to do my homework but I'm lazy to do everything that people told me to do. I usually do homework when I'm bored or I have nothing else to do, sometimes, when people were forcing me to do something when I had nothing to do. They made me to find one thing to do and that's just so weird. So if you ever ask me what I'm going to do anything today? I would say "'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything, nothing at all."


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