Okay so.. this is my soundtrack's blog. It looks kind of simple though. But I think this is just fine. It doesn't need to be glamorous or gorgeous :D. LOL. Okay.. so you just got into my blog. READ IT! LISTEN TO IT! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! C:

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

#Song 25: One Day - Charice

- I would gladly dedicate this song to the girl that made me felt disappointed the most! I wonder why people keep telling me to do the things that I don't want to do? Why are they keep expecting some negative things from me and those negative things are positive things to them? There was a girl that used to be one of my most trustful friends and guess what? She got mad at one of my friends and for what? A small little hit on a shoulder and she called that "hurt"? Seriously? And she told me to stop playing with my friends and play with her? I was so surprised that she would say those irritating words like that! Why should I follow her? So I ignored what she said and went play with "true" friends. She tried to trick me many times and guess what? One day, she will see the real feeling from me to her. A true and realistic feeling from me to her! She couldn't shut me down, she couldn't make do the things that she wants to do! I have my own rights to follow what my heart is telling me to do. Why should I follow a person that is not in my heart? She lost my trustworthiness for her. She back-stabbed me and my friends and now, she wants us back. She used to inappropriate words to say apologize to us. Well, if she said like that, it means that she is swearing at us with those words, not apologize. Don't tell me that I can't follow what I decided to do and those thoughts are positive. I know what I'm doing and I know that it would heading to a positive effect. I'm not that dumped to not figure out between incorrect and correct! I've grown! I'm a 13 years-old girl now and I have my own rights to do whatever I want to do. Sometimes, people tell me some positive things to do, I would think back and forth if that saying would help me or it's just useless. If that girl said that "Don't even try" but excuse me, I have my own thoughts and rights to do things that I want to be complete! Things that I should have finished a long time ago. "It’s my fate wait and see, one day", I'm going to show to the world that I have the rights to do things that I want to do, I would take people's positive thoughts to apply it to my goal!


#Song 24: I love you mom - Candace (Ashley Tisdale)

- I love my mother a lot so I sincerely dedicate this sweet song to her. She was the one who always there for me when I need her by my side. She is always the one who helps me with things that I don't know how to solve it. I want to express this feeling to my mother and the other audiences to know that I will always love her no matter what she did to me that was driving me mad. I could feel the lyrics from this song to my heart. It lagged my heart so hard that I realized that I love my mom the most. Even though she shouts at me when I got a bad grade, I know what she means! She wants me to become a successor, a successful daughter. Now I've finally realized the morals that she wants to share with me. I'm truly love my mother because she has tried her best to help me and my little brother to be successful. And guess what? I will make that wish come true no matter what happened. Sometimes, me and my brother were having a fight and I went a little bit frantic, but my mom was the only one who stayed calm and tried to solve things. I always try to tell her that I love her but I can't. Well, I think that this song would tell her the whole ideas why <3 I love you, Mom.. "I'll always love you, mom"


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

#Song 23: Who's laughing now - Jessie J

- I was wondering around on Youtube and suddenly, a friend of mine, Pearl, sent me this video clip. I've found it so interesting and I've also found out that it got a big connection to me. It doesn't seem to be similar to the video but it is similar to the lyrics of the song. I seriously don't understand. Why am I keep thinking about the person that I hate and that person was a dull girl? She was hurting my friends by saying some irritating sayings that it brought them a big shock. How could she do that to my friends? And that person I hate was used to be my best friend. I used to count on her so much that I couldn't open my eyes and see the real face of her. A real fake face of that dull girl. I wasn't meant to hurt her but look what she did to my friends! Did she even think about what she did? Does she even have a mind to think? I guess she does but she doesn't know how to use it because every single person knows how to use their minds to figure the positive options. But to her, I think that she was just trying to using me for some dull and stupid stuffs that I should have known at the beginning. I shouldn't have played with her but I was so dumped to play with the girl that doesn't even have a responsibility about friendship or something related to it. But just a saying to that girl, "Hey, nice trick at the beginning of the start. But guess what? I'm not that dumped to figure out by myself that I shouldn't have played with a friend like you who always tries to hurt people without thinking! You know what did I feel about what you said to my friends? I felt so stupid because I couldn't believe in my own eyes that you're a person like that. But guess what? We're done now and I've been brighter to understand the tricks that you used to hurt us." At first, I was planning that maybe that me and my friends could give that girl another chance because she would be better if she deserves a second chance. However, thinking back and forth, those ideas were so unacceptable because she hurt us like a thousand knives stabbing into our heart and why should we give her a chance? Would that help us recover our heart or just making it worse? I would give that girl back everything that she gave to me to recover my friends' hearts. I felt so bad of making a friend with her because I didn't learn anything from her and everyday, she was always making us following what she said. That girl were used to be laughing at us like we are some weirdos. But guess what? "Who's laughing now?"


Monday, March 19, 2012

#Song 22: Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri

- I chose this song because people usually say that love always deeply true. But for me, it's the opposite. My aunt caught my uncle going out with some woman that younger than her age. She was so mad so she called my mom. I wasn't being a stalker but I just heard about their conversation. My feeling was boiling up because I couldn't believe that my uncle is that kind of person, a person with a lie heart. Does he know that that would hurt my aunt a lot? And the day after, my aunt told my uncle that they have to divorce because she can't take this anymore. She thought that he would be a good husband, a good brother-in-law, a good uncle and most of all, a good father. Doesn't he think about his daughter's life? She was only four years old and he did that to her? Going out with some strange woman? Is that going to help him make his life even better? No. At that time, he began to realize that what he did was wrong and he begged for forgive. But guess what, just like the lyrics said, "You're going to catch the cold, from the ice inside your soul. So don't come back for me. Who do you think you're?", his apology was too late because will that saying going to re-cover the pain of my aunt's heart? No because he hurt her so much. Divorcing would always be the end of love because it is the stop of being together. Sometimes, love could happen today in a good way, but tomorrow, it would end soon.


#Song 21: Angel with the Shotgun - The Cab

- I chose this song because I would give up on everything for my friends, my family and even some people that are so close to me. Sometimes, people said that I shouldn't depend on people too much because they aren't related to my life. But guess what? They do. All of them. They help me and correct me even if I made one little, tiny mistake. So now, I should make them feel like what they did was right. Just what the song said, "I'll throw away my faith, babe. Just to keep you safe (...) " It meant so much to me by that saying. It sounds like I would give up on anything, even my faith, for someone that I adore or someone I have my respect with. Somehow, it would make me better. =D Besides, giving up on the people that you love is also a way to show "the volume of love" to them, for example, my family. I love them because they were the ones who I could count on the most, and besides, they were the one who understand me the most. My mom is the one. She knows what I want, what I need to improve, etc. 


#Song 20: Stronger - Kelly Clarkson

- I chose this song because when I was in first grade, and yes, that was my first day of school. I was totally afraid of stepping inside the classroom. I felt like it doesn't look like home and it looks so strange. The class were filled with all of the other children which I didn't know. When my mom left, I realized that I was totally lonely but I didn't cry. I just freaked out and stood at the middle of the class, doing totally nothing. But then, my teacher encouraged me that school is like my second home and besides, there are nothing to be afraid. Going to school is another way to learn knowledge and also, it would help me to get braver and more confident. After that, I felt stronger and I came to a group of friends. I asked them if I could join in and they said, "Yes!" Since then, I felt like going to school is fun and there aren't anything to be afraid of. It's just a school and it is where knowledge came from. From there, we can learn many things and we can join into another type of community. And also, in the video, Kelly said "What doesn't kill you make you stronger", I think that I'm feeling that I was really connecting to that saying. Going to school won't kill you because it helps you meet the new society with new people. Besides, it would help you being more brave and stronger while you're facing the world without your parents or even the person that always supports you.


#Song 19: Perfect - J-Co

- I chose this song because I think that love always contains mistakes. A girl or a boy could easily get jealous when they see their love with someone else which is depending on what gender they are, they would easily getting mad. Some of them might think of revenge by dating another guy/girl which is unacceptable. What if that person who was talking to their love is some of his/her relatives? What if that is their best friend? Love can't guess and love will get easily misunderstanding. Being in love isn't as easy as you think it is. It might begin today but maybe it would end tomorrow. It's the faith and we can't change the faith that God upon the sky had planned. We have to follow what God makes us to do. This song showed how people who are in love being misunderstanding with each other. But at last, they found out that they were wrong about their love because their love was the one who completed the heart that had frozen in many years. They are the one that you can count on the most and also, no-one going to love you more than they do because they understand and forgive the person that you really are. In the song, the lyrics mention a line that said, "Have you ever lost someone? Tryna take it back but the damage is done", I think that it means if you have make that mistake and it hurts that person too bad, you won't going to get back the deeply true memories that you and your love had been together. Just one hardly touch can hurt them painfully which is also could break your heart apart like it used to be. A friend of mine was hurting my friends and myself and at last, she lost everything. All of the sweetest memories that she'd been with us when we were still best friends. She hurt us like a thousand times of stabbing a knife into our hearts. She made a mistake, a big one and she should have been painful about it, but I think that she deserved it because that was what she get from hurting friends like us.